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SanTiago Xavier
SanTiago Xavier@eusantiago
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Idealizador do projeto MundoGMO, SanTiago é apaixonado por Mu Online desde 2005, além de ser Manager na Real Games Studio, Empresário, YouTuber, Streamer, Gamer, fan boy de Dark Lord e viciado em RPG.
RealMU.netO maior season 19 do mundo
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Procurando um private server confiável? Conheça o RealMU, servidor que está a 4 anos online, medium hard sem resets e com eventos constantes. Cadastre-se já e receba diversas recompensas enquanto joga, incluindo VIP, Full EXP e muito mais. - O seu portal de Notícias e Guias sobre Mu Online

Talvez um dos patchs mais esperados pelos players, o patch S19.1-3 que trás muitas mudanças no jogo, seja com a adição das poderosas asa de quinto nível, a nova quest de quinta classe no level 1200, a nova arvore de habilidades, a “ability enhancement core”, o drop das ability crystals, mudança no level e gap dos mapas e muito mais.

As novas High Magic Stone

Item utilizado para  a criação de Wings de LvL 5, pode ser feito com um mastery set item +9+16 no mínimo. Mastery item é o famoso “Item Ruud”, ou seja, pode ser utilizado um bloodangel “set”, e a cada tentativa, 3 pedras serão entregues.

Mudança no level de entrada dos mapas

Alguns mapas terão seu level de entrada e de gap alterados, os mapas de level mais baixos serão facilitados e os mapas de level mais alto serão ajustados para a chegada das wings de level 5 e a ability enhancement core. Texto original da webzen no Mu Korea:

  • Some hunting ground entry levels and penalty levels have been relaxed, and high-level hunting grounds have been adjusted to match the 5th job advancement level.
  • Some hunting grounds have their monster abilities and experience points adjusted.
Ou seja, os mobs tiveram o level, dano, defesa e exp ajustadas.
  Antes da Mudança Depois da mudança
Nome do mapa Level de entrada Level do GAP Level de entrada Level do GAP
Kubera mine 850 925 850 900
Kubera Mine (Abandoned) 850 970 850 925
Atlantis (Abyss) 1 1,000 1,010 900 950
Atlantis (Abyss) 2 1,020 1,035 925 975
Atlantis (Abyss) 3 1,030 1,060 950 1,000
Scorched Canyon 1,050 1,080 1,000 1,050
Icarus of Hongyeon 1,070 1,100 1,050 1,100
Temple of Arnil 1,100 1,130 1,100 1,150
Ash-colored Aida 1,130 1,160 1,150 1,200
Burning Kethotum 1,160 1,190 1,200 1,250
Kantur Underground Facility 1,190 1,220 1,250 1,300
Ignis Volcano 1,220 1,250 1,300 1,350
Tarkan of Blood 1,250 1,280 1,350 1,400
Tormenta Island 1,280 1,310 1,400 1,450

A nova quest de quinta classe - Level 1200

História da quest de quinta classe
Um grupo de monstros poderosos com novos poderes foi descoberto no continente de Mu, que foi perturbado por Kundun. Para enfrentar os monstros cada vez mais poderosos, você precisava ter um poder à altura. Após muitos sacrifícios e pesquisas, um novo poder, ‘Dano Extra’, foi descoberto. ‘Eunice’ está esperando pelos poderosos guerreiros do continente de Mu em Devias.
NPC Eunice para a quest de quinta classe
Eunice é a irmã mais velha de ‘Sent’, uma das 12 sacerdotisas da luz, e é uma cavaleira guardiã que serve ao deus Lugard. Enquanto Sent é habilidosa com a espada, Eunice se destaca no manejo da ‘grande foice (foice de guerra)’.
Como uma das Guardiãs designadas para descobrir o Dano Extra, Eunice está atualmente em uma missão para conceder novos poderes aos poderosos guerreiros do continente de Mu, assim como Sent. Eunice tem um amigo que trabalha com engenharia mecânica, considerada uma das coisas mais preciosas no continente de Mu. Ela também ocasionalmente ajuda seu amigo em suas pesquisas.
Para iniciar a quest do 1200 ou quest de quinta classe, basta ir até Devias nas coordenadas [193, 12] e falar com a Eunice. A quest pode ser feita em party.

  • Você pode entrar no espaço de qualificação através do ‘NPC Eunice’ localizado nas coordenadas [193, 12] da Vila Devias.
  • A entrada é permitida apenas para personagens de nível 1200 ou superior.
  • Você pode entrar no espaço de teste através do ‘NPC Eunice’ localizado no espaço de qualificação.
  • Quando estiver em um grupo, se um membro do grupo solicitar a entrada no espaço de teste, todos os membros do grupo serão transportados para o espaço de teste.
  • A quest é dividida em 3 partes;

Primeira parte da quest, (New Power 'Nuk')

  • Você pode prosseguir com a primeira missão através da ‘NPC Eunice’ localizada no espaço de teste.
  • Você precisa ser pelo menos level 1200 para fazer a quest.
  • Eunice invocará monstros do mapa de Burning Kethotum para ajuda-la.
  • Ao completar a primeira missão, o personagem receberá um buff de ‘Dano de Nuke Extra’.
  • A missão será concluída se você derrotar Eunice dentro do limite de tempo de 1 minuto.

Segunda parte da quest (New Power 'Bolt')

  • Depois de concluir a primeira missão, você pode prosseguir com a segunda missão através da ‘NPC Eunice’.
  • Você precisa ser pelo menos level 1200 para fazer a quest.
  • Eunice invocará monstros do mapa de Burning Kethotum para ajuda-la.
  • Ao completar a 2ª missão, o personagem receberá um buff de ‘Dano de Bolt Extra’.
  • A missão será concluída se você derrotar Eunice dentro do limite de tempo de 1 minuto.

Terceira parte da quest (New Power 'Area')

  • Depois de concluir a 2ª missão, você pode prosseguir com a 3ª missão através da ‘NPC Eunice’.
  • Você precisa ser pelo menos level 1200 para fazer a quest.
  • Eunice invocará monstros do mapa de Burning Kethotum para ajuda-la
  • Ao completar a 3ª missão, o personagem receberá um buff de ‘Dano de Área Extra’.
  • A missão será concluída se você derrotar Eunice dentro do limite de tempo de 1 minuto.
  • Ao concluir a 3ª missão, você receberá as seguintes recompensas.

A nova quest de quinta classe - Recompensas

  • Seu char será de 5th classe
  • Receberá 200 pontos de status no C
  • Arvore de 5th classe (Control + J)
  • Extra ability Cards
  • Montarias exclusivas da 5th classe (Robô)
  • 3 types (Nuke, Volt, Area)
  • A quest para a montaria exclusiva estará disponível

A nova quest de quinta classe - Robozão

  • Depois de concluir as primeiras 3 quests, você podera fazer a quest de montaria da Eunice
  • Entregue 300 Creations para ela e derrote-a em menos de 1 minuto estando montado em um gigante.

Robozão! Ou melhor, GIGANTE

  • Use CONTROL + X para montar ou desmontar (visualmente) o megazord. 
  • O único efeito extra dele é velocidade de movimento.
  • Ao habilitar o Gigante você habilita as novas habilidades na tree do 1200, “Nuke, Bolt e Area”.

Nuke: Inflige dano extra avançado a até 1 alvo entre os alvos do seu personagem

Bolt: Causa dano extra intermediário a até 2 alvos entre os alvos do seu personagem.

Wilde Area: Causa dano extra menor a até 10 alvos entre os alvos do seu personagem.

Novas Asas - As poderosas "Wings LVL5"

As wings de level 5 finalmente chegaram, poderosas wings que tem o dano absurdamente aumentado, mas que o absorve continua o mesmo da lvl4. O elemental da wings agora é um wing core que pode ser equipado na wings, não tendo mais “elemental fixo”

Como criar as wings relic para a level 5

Para a criação da Reliquia da Wings Level 5 (Ou wings object), você precisará de:


  •  Wings de level 4 +13+4 no mínimo
  • 100 Jewel of Bless;
  • 100 Jewel of Creation;
  • 100 Jewel of Bless;
  • 100 Golden Crest;
  • 100 Uriel Feather;
  • 15,000,000 Zen;

Golden Crest e Uriel Feather podem ser obtidas na ELITE ZONE, no ultimo mapa. A taxa de sucesso para a criação da Wings Relic é de 100%

Como criar a wings de level 5

Resultado Ingredientes Materiais Probabilidade Itens que aumentam a chance
5th Wing +0
(Class, Option,
Life Gem Option
5th Wing Relic 1 or more High Magic Stone
20,000,000 Zen
(34% quando utilizado itens que aumentam a chance)
High Magic Stone

Opções da wings lvl5

Options Opção quando o item for +0 Opção quando o item for +15
Basic Options

Attack Power 300
Defense Power 900

Damage Increase 55%
Damage Absorption 43% (Dark Lord 37%)
Damage Correction 1

Attack Power 2051
Defense Power 2737

Damage Increase 70%
Damage Absorption 73% (Dark Lord 67%)
Damage Modification 16

Random Options

(2 random options below)

Increased chance of full mana recovery 7%
Increased chance of full life recovery 7%
Increased chance of returning enemy attacks 7%
Increased chance of ignoring enemy defense 7%
Increased chance of excellent damage 7%
Increased chance of double damage 7%
Increased attack (magic) speed 12
Increased strength 65
Increased health 65
Increased energy 65
Increased agility 65

(2 random options below)

Increased chance of full mana recovery 7%
Increased chance of full life recovery 7%
Increased chance of returning enemy attacks 7%
Increased chance of ignoring enemy defense 7%
Increased chance of excellent damage 7%
Increased chance of double damage 7%
Increased attack (magic) speed 12
Increased strength 65
Increased health 65
Increased energy 65
Increased agility 65

– New damage compensation options added to the 5th wing.
– Damage compensation options are calculated with the target’s compensation option values and affect hit and collision damage

Quais as Wings lvl 5?

job Item Name image
Black Wizard Wings of Nobility
Black Knight Wings of Extinction
fairy Wings of Fantasy
Magic Swordsman Wings of Punishment
Dark Lord Mantle of Leadership
Summoner Wings of the Barrier
Rage Fighter Cloak of the Oath
Growlancer Cloak of Training
Rune Wizard Wings of Inevitability
Slayer Wings of the Sleeping Beauty
Guncrasher Crimson Wings
White Wizard The Cloak of the Movie
Meiji Wings of Eternity
Illusion Night Cloak of Innocents
4. Wing Core
1) Wing core assembly method
<Wing Core Combination>
Combination results Main ingredients Essential Materials Combination probability
Wing Core (Type 1)
(Type, Option Random)
wing core (type 1)
100 Blessing Jewels
100 Soul Jewels 100
Creation Jewels 100
Chaos Jewels 50
Uriel’s Feathers
20,000,000 Zen
– The Pure Wing Core Design (Type 1) can be purchased from the Rude Shop for 50,000 Rude.
Wing core diagram
2) Wing core options 
– Wing cores have basic and random options, and a random option is granted when creating them.
– 0 to 2 are randomly assigned based on probability.
<Wing Core Options>
Option Type Wing Core Option +0 Enhancement Wing Core Option +15 Enhancement
Basic Options


Increase attack power/magic power/curse power by 50


Increase attack power/magic power/curse power by 273

Random Options

(0 to 2 random options below)

Increase attribute attack power by 170
Increase attribute defense by 100
Increase attribute attack success rate by 125
Increase attribute defense success rate by 125
Increase attribute attack power (II) by 240
Increase attribute defense (II) by 210
Increase attribute attack success rate (II) by 200
Increase attribute defense success rate (II) by 200
Extra Nuke Damage Increased by 120
Extra Bolt Damage Increased by 80
Extra area damage increased by 40
Extra damage reduction 50

(0 to 2 random options below)

Increase attribute attack power by 170
Increase attribute defense by 100
Increase attribute attack success rate by 125
Increase attribute defense success rate by 125
Increase attribute attack power (II) by 240
Increase attribute defense (II) by 210
Increase attribute attack success rate (II) by 200
Increase attribute defense success rate (II) by 200
Extra Nuke Damage Increased by 120
Extra Bolt Damage Increased by 80
Extra area damage increased by 40
Extra damage reduction 50
3) Wing core reinforcement
– Wing cores can be strengthened up to level 15.
– Can be strengthened using the equipment strengthening combination from Noria’s ‘Chaos Goblin NPC’.
– If you fail to strengthen between levels 1 and 7, you will be lowered by 1 level, and if you fail to strengthen between levels 8 and 15, the level will be reset.
– There is no item destruction in case of failure.
<Wing Core Reinforcement Combination>
Combination results Basic Materials Reinforcement Materials Combination required zen Combination probability
Wing Core (Type 1) +1 Wing Core (Type 1) +0 1 wing core reinforcement stone 1,000,000 zen 90%
Wing Core (Type 1) +2 Wing Core (Type 1) +1 2 wing core reinforcement stones 1,500,000 zen 90%
Wing Core (Type 1) +3 Wing Core (Type 1) +2 2 wing core reinforcement stones 2,000,000 zen 90%
Wing Core (Type 1) +4 Wing Core (Type 1) +3 2 wing core reinforcement stones 2,500,000 zen 90%
Wing Core (Type 1) +5 Wing Core (Type 1) +4 3 Wing Core Reinforcement Stones 3,000,000 zen 90%
Wing Core (Type 1) +6 Wing Core (Type 1) +5 3 Wing Core Reinforcement Stones 3,500,000 zen 90%
Wing Core (Type 1) +7 Wing Core (Type 1) +6 4 wing core reinforcement stones 4,000,000 zen 90%
Wing Core (Type 1) +8 Wing Core (Type 1) +7 4 wing core reinforcement stones 4,500,000 zen 80%
Wing Core (Type 1) +9 Wing Core (Type 1) +8 4 wing core reinforcement stones 5,000,000 zen 80%
Wing Core (Type 1) +10 Wing Core (Type 1) +9 5 Wing Core Reinforcement Stones 5,500,000 zen 75%
Wing Core (Type 1) +11 Wing Core (Type 1) +10 5 Wing Core Reinforcement Stones 6,000,000 zen 75%
Wing Core (Type 1) +12 Wing Core (Type 1) +11 5 Wing Core Reinforcement Stones 6,500,000 zen 70%
Wing Core (Type 1) +13 Wing Core (Type 1) +12 5 Wing Core Reinforcement Stones 7,000,000 zen 70%
Wing Core (Type 1) +14 Wing Core (Type 1) +13 5 Wing Core Reinforcement Stones 7,500,000 zen 65%
Wing Core (Type 1) +15 Wing Core (Type 1) +14 5 Wing Core Reinforcement Stones 8,000,000 zen 65%
– Wing Core Reinforcement Stones can be purchased from the Rude Shop for 1,200 Rude each.
Wing Core Reinforcement Stone
4) Wing core attachment/removal method
– Wing cores can be installed/removed by opening the 5th wing UI window.
– When you place the mouse over the 5th wing in your inventory and press ‘Alt + right click’, the ‘5th Wing (Cloak)’ UI window will open.
– With the UI window open, you can equip the ‘Wing Core’ in your inventory by ‘drag and drop’ it into the Wing Core slot.
– Wing core attachment/removal can only be done on the 5th wing in your possession, and cannot be done on the 5th wing that is currently equipped.
– To detach, right-click on the equipped ‘wing core’ in the 5th wing UI window.
  You can remove it by ‘ drag and drop’ it into your belongings .
5) Wing core information
– Wing Cores have a set of wearable wings/cloaks.
Wing Core Item Name image Wearable Wings/Cloak
Pure and Noble Wing Core (Type 1) The Cloak of the Wings of
Nobility The
Cloak of Eternity The Wings
of Nobility
Pure Wing Core of Annihilation (Type 1) Wings of Destruction Cloak
of the Oath
Crimson Wings
Pure Fantasy Wing Core (Type 1) Wings of Fantasy
Wings of Inevitability
Pure Wings of Punishment Core (Type 1) Wings of Punishment
Mantle of Leadership
Mantle of the Movie
Pure Barrier Wing Core (Type 1) The Wings of the Barrier,
the Cloak of Training,
the Wings of the Eyes
Pure Necessity Wing Core (Type 1) Wings of Fantasy
Wings of Inevitability
Pure Wing Core (Type 1) The Wings of the Barrier,
the Cloak of Training,
the Wings of the Eyes
Pure Crimson Wing Core (Type 1) Wings of Punishment Cloak
of the Oath
Crimson Wings
Wings of Destruction
Pure Eternal Wing Core (Type 1) Wings of Nobility,
Mantle of Leadership,
Wings of Eternity,
Mantle of Innocent

Ability Enhancement


1. Strengthen Ability

After the 5th job advancement, you can create an ‘Ability Card’ using an Ability Decision item.

You can further strengthen your character by equipping it to the ‘Ability Reinforcement Core’.


2. Ability decision, ability enhancement stone setting and drop hunting ground

Ability DeterminationItem Description

This is an item dropped by monsters in hunting grounds of Burning Kethotum grade or higher, and is a material item required for making ability cards. You can obtain

1 ability crystal per day and 4 (bound) ability crystal items per character  .

Ability Enhancement StoneItem Description
This is an item that can be obtained by crafting ability crystals as materials or by returning ability cards, and is a material item required when leveling up ability cards.


3. Ability Crystal Drop Hunting Grounds

Terms of Use
Burning Kethotum
Kantur Underground Facility
Ignis Volcano
Tarkan of Blood
Tormenta Island


4. Ability Strengthening Hwakore

1) Conditions for using ability enhancement cores

Terms of Use
5th job change completed


2) Ability Enhancement Core UI Open Button and Shortcut Key Settings

Character information windowexplanation

Using the button at the top of the character information window

You can open trees and cores that match your previous rank.


– 3rd: Master Skill Tree

– 4th: Skill Enhancement Tree

– 5th: Ability Enhancement Core

– Shortcut key: [Ctrl + J] 


3) Ability Enhancement Core UI Settings

– Ability Enhancement Core Slot Distinction

a) Extra card slot and mounting settings

Extra card slotExtra Ability Card
Get CardsObtained through 5th job advancement quest reward (Nuke/Volt/Area)
Slot Open ConditionsOpens when 5th job change is completed
Card mounting conditionsNo conditions


A) [Skill] Ability Card Slot and Equipment Settings

Skill Ability Card SlotExtra Ability Card
Get CardsCrafted by Chaos Goblin (Ability Crystals: 50)
Slot Open Conditions5th job advancement completed,
level 1,200 slot 1 open, level 1,300 slot 2 open, level 1,400 slot 3 open
Card mounting conditions[Skill] Ability Cards can be equipped with cards of skills that have been enhanced in the skill enhancement tree, and all enhancement effects, debuffs, and enhancement status are maintained.

Example) [Skill] Gale Meteor Storm Equipment Conditions – Meteor Storm Enhancement Skill Enhancement 
Duplicate mounting conditionsYou can equip the same [Skill] Ability Card in 3 slots.
When equipped multiple times, the ‘Skill Attack Power’ ability value is overlapped.
However, additional effects and additional options are not overlapped.


D) [Optional] Ability Card Slot

divisionType 1Type 2Type 3Type 4Type 5


Option Ability Card
Get CardsCrafted via Chaos Goblin (Ability Crystal: 5)
Slot Open Conditions5 slots open when completing the 5th job advancement, and 5 slots open for every 50 levels thereafter.
Card mounting conditions[Option] Ability cards are classified by color and type 1 to 5, and
can be equipped in any order in the open slots that match each type.

[Skill] Character abilities will be strengthened when equipped, regardless of whether or not the ability card is equipped.


[Open slots according to character level after 5th job advancement]


A) [Elite] Ability Card Slot 

[Blue] Elite[Green] Elite[Purple]Elite


Elite Ability Card
Get CardsCrafted by Chaos Goblin (Ability Crystal: 25)
Slot Open ConditionsWhen all [Option] Ability Cards are equipped in the 5 preceding option slots, the slots are opened.
Card mounting conditionsYou can equip an [Elite] Ability Card with the same level as the minimum level of the [Option] Ability Card equipped in the Preceding Option Slot.

When you equip 5 [Optional] Ability Cards, an [Elite] slot will open.

The level of an equippable [Elite] Ability Card is equal to the minimum level of the equipped [Option] Ability Card.


5. Ability Card Book

Ability Card Bookexplanation
Basic functions of the Ability Card Book
– You can check the ability cards that can be obtained by class, the cards you have obtained, and the cards equipped to the core.
– You can equip the ability cards you have obtained to the core slots by dragging and dropping them. Filter function – You can check only the cards you want to see by using the filter function.You can check duplicate filter items. Right-click function for acquired cards – You can use the ‘Ability Level Up/Restore’ function by right-clicking the acquired card.



6. Ability Card

1) Basic settings of ability cards
1-1) Ability Card Composition
– Ability card items are divided into [Skill] / [Option] / [Elite] cards.
– Each ability card can be strengthened up to level 5.
1-2) Ability Card Book
– You can check the cards you have acquired and have not acquired through the class-specific ability card book.
– You can select the ability card you want to equip from the card book and equip it by dragging and dropping.
Ability Cardexplanation
[Skill] AbilityWhen you equip and use an ‘[Skill] Ability Card’, the ability effect is applied,
a sub-skill is implemented, and additional effects are applied.
[Option] AbilityIt consists of various options such as attack power, skill attack power, and defense power, and
can be equipped in the slot that matches each color and type from 1 to 5.
[Elite] AbilityIt consists of probability options and options with advanced abilities, and
can be equipped in the slot that matches the type of each color.
2) Ability creation

2-1) Creating Chaos Goblins

You can craft ability cards through the Noria NPC ‘Chaos Goblin’ (Noria: 180,103).

Card Combination Compositionexplanation
Option AbilityYou can select [Optional] Ability Cards of Type 1 to Type 5, and
the color type is randomly created according to probability.
Elite AbilitiesYou can select each color type to craft an [Elite] Ability Card .
Skill AbilityYou can craft skill ability cards, and the resulting combination
will produce skills that can be used by each class.
Ability Enhancement StoneYou can craft the combination materials required to level up ability cards.


3) [Skill] Ability Card Creation

3-1) Production settings

Main ingredientsJewelry MaterialsZenProbabilityCombination results
50 Ability Crystals10 Blessing Jewels100,000,000 zen100%Class
[Skill] Ability Card


3-2) Class-specific [Skill] Ability Card Composition

classSkill nameAdditional effects
Black WizardMeteor Storm of the StormIncreased attack speed
Black KnightSwordblow of saturationIncrease range
Black KnightA destructive blow of the galeIncreased attack speed
fairySaturation’s Raining ArrowIncrease range
fairyHoly Bolt of the StormIncreased attack speed
Magic SwordsmanChaos Blade of SaturationIncrease range
Magic SwordsmanHavoc Spear of WrathAdded splash damage
Dark LordWindsoul of SaturationIncrease range
SummonerFirebeast of saturationIncrease range
SummonerDeathside of WrathAdded splash damage
Rage FighterDarkside of SaturationIncrease range
Rage FighterSpirit Hook of SaturationIncrease range
GrowlancerOversaturation of saturationIncrease range
GrowlancerWild Breath of the StormIncreased attack speed
Rune WizardLightning Storm of the GaleIncreased attack speed
SlayerSaturation Pierce AttackIncrease range
GuncrasherBursting Flare of the StormIncreased attack speed
White WizardSpearstorm of SaturationIncrease range
MeijiUltimate Force of SaturationIncrease range
Illusion NightBladestorm of SaturationIncrease range

– Ability skills can be used when equipping a [Skill] Ability Card, and can be used when strengthening skills in the skill strengthening tree.


3-3) Additional options

– All skill cards are created with one of the following options: HP increase, MP increase, or AG increase, depending on probability.


4) [Optional] Create an Ability Card

4-1) Production settings

Main ingredientsJewelry MaterialsZenProbabilityCombination results
5 Ability Crystals1 Blessing Jewel10,000,000 zen100%[Option] Ability Card

 – You can create an [Option] Ability Card by selecting Type 1 to Type 5 when combining.


4-2) Type 1 ~ Type 5 option configuration (Blue & Purple & Green)

– The composition of options according to color type is the same, and the resulting color type is produced randomly.

– The option configuration is divided into types 1 to 5.

divisionOption name divisionOption name
Type 1Increased strength stat Increased
fire attribute attack power Increased
attribute attack power
Increased fire attribute defense power Increased
critical damage Increased
double damage Increased
minimum attack power Increased
minimum magic
power Increased minimum curse power Increased
nuke attack power Increased
bolt attack power
Increased area attack power
Increased extra defense power
Type 2Increased agility stat Increased
water attribute attack power Increased
attribute attack success rate Increased
water attribute defense Increased
attack success rate Increased
5th wing attack power Increased 5th
wing magic power Increased
5th wing curse power Increased
1st slot skill attack power
Increased 2nd slot skill attack power
Increased 3rd slot skill attack power
Nuke critical probability (%)
Bolt critical probability (%)
Area critical probability (%)
divisionOption namedivisionOption name
Type 3Increased physical stat Increased
earth attribute attack power Increased
pentagram attack power Increased earth
attribute defense power Increased excellent damage Increased attack power per 20 levels Increased magic power per 20 levels Increased curse power per 20 levels Increased maximum attack power Increased maximum magic power Increased maximum curse power Increased skill attack power Increased nuke attack power Increased bolt attack power Increased area attack power Increased extra defense power

Type 4Increase energy stat Increase
wind attribute attack power Increase
attribute defense power Increase
wind attribute defense power Increase
defense success rate Increase
attribute defense success rate Increase
5th wing defense power Increase
pentagram defense power Increase
defense power Increase
shield defense power Increase
Nuke critical probability (%)
Bolt critical probability (%)
Area critical probability (%)
divisionOption name  
Type 5Shock defense success rate increased
Dark attribute attack power
increased Dark attribute defense power
increased Poison damage
increased Poison
damage increased Mastery attack power
increased Mastery magic power increased
Mastery curse power increased
Bleeding damage increased
Excessive bleeding damage increased
Nuke attack power increased
Bolt attack power increased Area attack power increased Extra defense power


5) [Elite] Ability Card Creation

5-1) Production settings

Main ingredientsJewelry MaterialsZenProbabilityCombination results
25 Ability Crystals5 Jewels of Blessing50,000,000 zen100%

[Elite] Ability Card


5 Ability Enhancement Stones

 – You can create [Elite] Ability Cards by selecting a combination color type.

– [Elite] The combination probability related to ability card production can be checked in [Game Information – Probability Information – Ability Enhancement Core].


5-2) Configure options by color type

divisionOption namedivisionOption namedivisionOption name
[Blue]Life Full Recovery Chance(%)
1 Slot Skill Attack Power Increase
Critical Damage Chance(%)
Double Damage Chance(%)
Extra Defense Increase
Nuke Excellent Chance(%)
Volt Excellent Chance(%)
Area Excellent Chance(%)
[green]Increased AG recovery amount Increased
2-slot skill attack power
Excellent damage probability (%)
Enemy defense ignoring probability (%)
Extra defense increase
Nuke double damage probability (%)
Bolt double damage probability (%)
Area double damage probability (%)
[Purple]Mana Full Recovery Chance(%)
3-Slot Skill Attack Power Increase
Additional Damage Chance(%)
Triple Damage Chance(%)
Extra Defense Increase
Nuke Triple Damage Chance(%)
Volt Triple Damage Chance(%)
Area Triple Damage Chance(%)
Item5 Ability Enhancement StonesItem5 Ability Enhancement StonesItem5 Ability Enhancement Stones


6) Ability Card Level Up and Reduction

– You can use the ‘Ability Level Up/Restore’ function by right-clicking on a card obtained from the Ability Card Book.

Ability Card Level Upexplanation
Ability Card Level Up
– When you acquire additional ability cards that you already own, the number of cards you own will increase, and   you can
  use the additional cards and ‘Ability Enhancement Stone’ items to level up the selected ability card. – The number of ‘Ability Cards’ and ‘Ability Enhancement Stones’ required for leveling up   can be checked in the UI. Ability Card Max Level – Ability Cards can be enhanced up to a maximum of level 5.

Ability Card Refundexplanation
Ability Card Reinstatement –   You can return
the ability cards you have already acquired to the ‘Ability Enhancement Stone’ item. You cannot return the cards you initially owned. The number of ‘Ability Enhancement Stones’ returned by type of ability card – [Skill] 10 ability enhancement stones when returning an ability card – [Elite] 5 ability enhancement stones when returning an ability card – [Option] 1 ability enhancement stone when returning an ability card


7. Change other settings

7-1) Skill enhancement tree point acquisition limit

– When the character level exceeds 1600 (4th job advancement), skill enhancement tree points cannot be obtained.